Psychological and other states
Magical mornings, conversations in taverns, trading, male and female conversations are but some of the motives to emphasize psychological maps to human soul. Borko's characters clearly represent inner thought processes and their superimposition into external world and events they participate in.
Decision Time
Deep issues, silence, indecisiveness or anxiety. Time. Boxed in ''just before'' moment of deciding, all angles look the same. Usually in a landscape at dusk or early dawn in order to accent a sleepless night. Through angels or animals symbolical of nature, Borko places the moment when a decision has ripened inside man dead center and presents the act.
Strongest emotions are born to images preceding the erotic acct and scenes subsequent scenes. Elements of seduction, doubt, embraces, voyeurism, basking in a stream, naked women in conversation are like electrons at spin, a vortex stable only while spinning.
Birth and family
Images of birth are an altar centerpiece of a family. Men are but observers, concerned or inert, they participate in the liturgy of life but outside of the altar. Relation between a mother and child during childbirth is presented by Borko as special sensuous and illuminated one standing counter to all else.
Saturation. the point of intolerance is presented in the eye of a 'Bull man''. It brings death. Leads a storm of chaos, red blindness, the tragedy of harshest sin repeated. Borko presents war as an accumulated negativity repeatedly manifesting itself in moments when angels are asleep.
The struggle and man
Moan and his image reflected in mirror are a source for all of Borko's paintings.The struggle is one of most important human activities, a condition of spirit that crowns it. Struggle is a constant fire of our life.